
Goffin’s Cockatoo – Best Species

If you have the time to dedicate to it, a Goffin’s cockatoo is the ideal pet parrot. This species is typically amusing, outgoing, sociable, and highly intellectual. The greatest characteristics of cockatoos are condensed into a more manageable form in these attractive white birds.

Goffins are similar in disposition to their larger cockatoo relatives but are smaller. Additionally, they need several hours of mental and physical engagement, just like bigger cockatoos.

Umbrella Cockatoo

Overview of Species of Goffin’s Cockatoo

Common Names: Tanimbar corella, Goffin’s cockatoo.

Scientific name: Cacatua goffini.

Size for Adults: Between 12 and 13 inches long, roughly the same size as a cockatiel, one of the smallest cockatoo species.

Life Expectancy: With adequate care, 30 to 40 years

Background and History of Goffin’s Cockatoo

The Indonesian Tanimbar Islands are the Goffin’s Cockatoo’s native environment. In the Maluku province, they can be found in the tropical woods of Lariat, Selaru, and Yamuna. They are also present in New Guinea. This protected species’ ability to survive in the wild has been threatened by habitat degradation and trapping for the pet trade.

You require a permit from the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species in order to keep one as a pet (CITES). The license attests that the bird was domesticated and not captured in violation of the law.

Temperament of Goffin’s Cockatoo

Goffin’s cockatoos are known for being incredibly friendly and affectionate. They are lively, inquisitive, and playful birds. Although they are among the smaller cockatoos, they have a huge bird personality and are quite social and fun-loving. These intelligent birds exhibit naughty, dangerous behaviors as a result of their brilliance. They can learn how to open the clasp on their cage by repeatedly watching you. You can anticipate dealing with a cunning escape artist. cockatoo-lifespan

Goffin’s were put to the test in a scientific investigation, and it was discovered that they have outstanding mechanical problem-solving abilities. The interlocking devices were tested on ten birds, and the majority of them solved the problems after just one unsuccessful effort. Another bird worked it out on its own, while some needed human assistance.

Speaking and singing of Goffin’s Cockatoo

Goffin cockatoo price

The Goffin’s are relatively quiet when compared to many other parrots. They’ll still scream, though, if they want your attention. Although not the best talkers, you can train these birds to say a few words with enough practice. They often imitate sounds that they hear. They love to dance, so turn on the music if you want to be entertained.

Colors and Markings of the Goffin’s Cockatoo

The bare-eyed cockatoo and Goffin’s cockatoo are sometimes confused. On either side of their beaks, there are hints of pale salmon or pink in addition to the majority of white. When the bird fans out its crest, the salmon hue may also be seen near the head. You might see a faint hint of yellow on the feathers under the wings, giving their flying a lovely appearance.

The birds’ feet and beaks are a light gray color. The eyes are the single feature that distinguishes the sexes. A male will have a black iris, whereas a female will have brown eyes.

The upkeep of a Goffin’s Cockatoo

Goffin’s cockatoos are loving and affectionate birds that form close bonds with their owners and need regular engagement to stay in good mental and emotional health. They work best for knowledgeable bird owners. Setting limits early on in a relationship with a new bird is crucial. You should strike a balance between giving something too much and not enough attention. The bird will be well-socialized and able to manage some time alone when you’re not there thanks to the balance of your time.

The Goffin’s cockatoo is a common pet choice among people who lack the space to keep a larger cockatoo species because they don’t need as much space. Even at its smallest, the cage measures 5 feet tall by 24 inches deep by 36 inches wide. Make sure the cage you purchase is sturdy because this species likes to chew and can ruin a cage (preferably wrought iron).

Typical Health Issues

Goffin’s cockatoos that are neglected won’t survive. If they do not receive the interaction they require, they may turn to harmful habits like plucking feathers or picking at their skin. Self-mutilating birds are more susceptible to bacterial, viral, and fungal illnesses. Psittacine beak and feather disease, which is caused by a virus, as well as obesity, fatty liver disease, and other conditions, are also prevalent in cockatoos. If the bird consumes a diet high in fat and does not exercise sufficiently, weight-related diseases may develop.

Nutrition and Diet of Goffin’s Cockatoo

This bird’s natural diet includes seeds, fruits, nuts, berries, blooms, roots, and leaf buds, along with the occasional bug. Since their natural habitat is no longer there, they have learned to graze on farmers’ grain crops.

All cockatoos, including Goffin’s, are prone to overeating in captivity. Owners must watch their fat consumption. 75 percent of their nourishment should come from a high-quality, specially prepared pellet. Supplements include a wide range of nutritious, raw foods such as cereals, fruits, vegetables, greens, and even nuts (25 percent).

Every day, give your child around 3/4 cups of a prepared diet and 1/4 cup of fresh fruit and vegetables. If the bird finishes everything it has, provide more food in small amounts as needed. As a treat, think about giving sprouted seeds as a nutritious substitution for dry seeds, which are high in fat.

Exercise of Goffin’s Cockatoo

The Goffin’s cockatoo is an energetic bird that requires a lot of exercise to keep in good health. Owners should allow their pets to spend at least three to four supervised hours each day playing and exercising outside of the cage. These birds gain a sense of independence through time spent outside their cage.

Training is best done when you have some free time. Be constant to ensure that your bird stays tame and has adapted well to living in your house. For time spent outside of the cage, invest in a play stand; it is the ideal accessory.

Birds will use it as their own private gym where they can climb, collect treats, and eat snacks while playing with toys. Your bird will be stimulated and occupied thanks to the toys and snacks. Purchase engaging toys to make sure your birds are getting the exercise they require to maintain healthy physical and mental conditions.

Give your bird tasks to solve, such as knots to untie and objects they can disassemble. These birds can use their natural urge to bite by using chew toys. Utilize the bird’s natural urge to forage by hiding toys or rewards for it to find.


  • They are less chatty, friendly, and noisy than other cockatoos.
  • Able to dance and speak a few phrases
  • Cages for smaller cockatoos don’t need to be as huge as those for larger species.


  • Can yell and become noisy when it wants anything.
  • Demands at least three to four hours of supervised time outside the cage.
  • Smart enough to get out of its confinement

Locations to Purchase or Adopt a Goffin’s Cockatoo

Make contact with local breeders and ask if you can visit them and their birds before purchasing a Goffin’s cockatoo. You can decide if these birds are the right bird for you with the assistance of knowledgeable keepers.

Find out as much as you can about the history of the bird. A Goffin’s cockatoo will cost you between $1,000 and $3,000 on average. When adopting a Goffin’s cockatoo from a rescue, use caution because many of the birds were abused and their destructive behaviors can be difficult to overcome.

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